Application for Admission


Complete and return pages 2 through 4 of the Application for Admission to:


Thomas Heyward Academy, P. O. Box 2233, Ridgeland, SC  29936


20____ 20____ School year                                                                                                                                                            Entering Grade _______









Please Print Clearly:



Student’s Name  ______________________________________________________________________  Male ____  Female____

                              Last                                                          First                                             Middle


Name or nickname by which student is called:   ___________________________  Social Security #:  ______________________


Address _______________________________________________________________  Phone  #:  _______________________


City  ___________________________________________________  State  _____________  Zip _________________________


Date of Birth  ______________________  City & State of Birth ________________________  Country _____________________


Ethnicity  _________________________  Religion  ________________________  Church  ______________________________



Father’s Name  _____________________________________________  Cell Phone #  _________________________________


Address (if different)  ___________________________________________________  City  _____________________________


State  ___________ Zip Code  ____________  Employer  _______________________  Phone #:  _________________________



Mother’s Name  _____________________________________________  Cell Phone #  _________________________________


Address (if different)  ___________________________________________________  City  _____________________________


State  ___________ Zip Code  ____________  Employer  _______________________  Phone #:  _________________________



Marital Status:  Married ____  Separated ____  Divorced  ____  Widowed  ____  Remarried  ____

Is there a court order of any type in existence, which precludes or restricts either parent, or any relative, from having contact with your child?  Yes ____  No ____  If the answer is YES, please attach a copy of the court order to this application.



Emergency #’s and Contacts:  _______________________________________________________________________________







If the student is not living with his or her mother or father, complete the following:


Guardian/Guardians:  _____________________________________________________________________________________


Address:  ___________________________________________  City __________________________  State______ Zip _______


Phone #:  ______________________  Work Phone #:  ________________________  Cell Phone #:  ______________________



List other children/step-children, their ages and the school they attend:

(Please list other children/step-children on the back of this page.)



Name  _____________________________________________  Age ________  School _________________________________



Name  _____________________________________________  Age ________  School _________________________________



Name  _____________________________________________  Age ________  School _________________________________



                                                                                                                                                                Please Initial:  ____________________


Student’s Name (Last, First, MI)  ____________________________________  Entering Grade ______  20____  20____ School Year









School Last Attended __________________________________________ Address ____________________________________


City ________________________________________________________ State ________________ Zip Code  _____________


Phone # ___________________________________________  Fax # ______________________________________________




What are your child’s academic strengths?  ____________________________________________________________________





In what areas does your child need to improve academically?  _____________________________________________________





What are the primary reasons that you desire for your child to attend Thomas Heyward Academy?  ________________________







Has your child ever been recommended for testing, been tested and/or diagnosed for any of the following conditions?  Check all that apply.  If any are checked, please explain below, giving specific information.



                _____ Academically Gifted                              _____ Hyperactivity                          _____ Orthopedic Impairment


                _____ Attention Deficit Disorder                   _____ Learning Disability                 _____ Speech or Language Impairment


                _____ Emotional Disability                              _____ Mental Retardation                               _____Visual Impairment


                _____ Hearing Impairment                             _____ Neurological Impairment     _____ Other:  _____________________



Explanation:  ____________________________________________________________________________________________







Has your child ever received special academic help (such as tutoring/resource/or remedial) or a modified curriculum?  If so, please describe:








Has your child ever been expelled or suspended from school or had any criminal charges filed against them?  If so, please describe:






Reg.:  ________  Testing:  ________  B. Fund:  _________

Books ________  Locker:  ________  Lab Fees:  ________

Supply Fees:  ________  Date Enrolled:  _______________

T&A:  ______________  Building Fund Paid:  __________ 



                                                                                                                                Signature of Parent or Guardian